Lime Stone

limestone Brick

Lime brick is a type of brick made from a mixture of lime, sand and water, which is poured into molds and left to dry and harden. Lime bricks are used in construction because they are strong, durable, and resistant to weather effects, heat, and moisture. Lime brick has been used in construction for many centuries, and it is a common building material in the Arab World, Southern Europe and North Africa. Lime bricks are used in construction because they have many beneficial properties, such as strength, durability, and protection from corrosion, heat, and moisture. Lime bricks can be used in construction for the construction of walls, fences, floors. They can also be used in the construction of large buildings and industrial facilities. Lime bricks can also be used in the internal and external homes and buildings decorations to add aesthetics and elegance to the place.
أسعار حجر صناعي في الإمارات
من أهم مميزات الطابوق الجيري

The characteristics of limestone bricks

Limestone specification


Lime bricks are distinguished by their attractive colors which distinguish them from others; Also, its colors are characterized by stability for long periods, because they are not affected by natural factors. Lime bricks are characterized by their regular and symmetrical shapes, which makes them suitable for use in decoration works and external cladding of walls and buildings.


The regular shape of the limestone brick and its different sizes that are suitable for all types of buildings and the ease and speed of its installation save a lot of time and money that the limestone bricks needs if he uses other types of bricks.



- Resistance to high pressure

Limestone bricks are produced by high-pressure presses and then inserted into high-temperature steam ovens, which makes them resistant to high pressures and temperatures, and for this reason it can be used in construction without columns.

Heat insulator

Lime brick is characterized by its high ability to insulate external heat and secure the appropriate temperature inside the building

Sound insulation



Limestone bricks are characterized by their ability to insulate sound, which ensures a quiet and safe environment for housing

Durable and healthy

Limestone bricks are characterized by their high resistance to various environmental factors such as temperature, high cold, and wind, which makes them stay for very long periods. Also, the materials that are used in the manufacture of lime bricks are all natural materials free from harmful chemicals (lime, sand, water), which Ensures a safe healthy environment for housing.

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